March 31, 2025


 Jishukan-Ryu Jujitsu

PING’s DOJO, located in the Saline Michigan Recreation center, is the North American Headquarters for the international martial arts organization known as Jishukan-Ryu Jujitsu. The World Headquarters for Jishukan-Ryu Jujitsu is located in Kita Kurihama, Japan; approximately 50 miles South of Tokyo. In addition to the physical and spritual/cultural training of this martial art, PING’s DOJO also provides specalized programs in police nightstick and apprehension training, woman’s self-defense, and overall physical conditioning.   Dr. Ping, manager of Ping’s Dojo, holds the rank of SHIHAN, the highest rank awarded in the world of martial arts as well as the highest rank attainable for the art of Jishukan-Ryu Jujitsu. Dr.Ping has been operating martial arts dojo’s, places of instruction, since 1973.

 The art form of Jujitsu dates back to the 14th century. The specific style of JISHUKAN-RYU JUJITSU was created in the Showa Era (20th century) by the Grand Master, Honorable Soke Sugita. This martial art is comprised of seven forms:

  1. Kempo: Offensive and defensive techniques using the human body as a natural weapon; kicking, striking, and blocking.
  2. Aiki-jujitsu: The art of locking joints to cause separation.
  3. Jo-jujitsu: The art of stick fighting.
  4. Kendo: Sword techniques.
  5. Jeute: Defense with a blunt instrument.
  6. Ukemi: The art of falling.
  7. Jujitsu: The art of throwing.

People are attracted to JISHUKAN-RYU JUJITSU for exercise, relaxation and self protection purposes. In this martial art, practice and good instruction are more important than a person’s age, size, strength or weight. Children as young as three years old can start instruction; and because of JISHUKAN-RYU JUJITSU’s form versatility, students can look forward to a lifetime of training in pursuit of mastery of this martial art.


      Fellowship: We must treat each other with respect, adhering closely to the following guidelines:

  • A Practitioner must guide and practice with courtesy
  • A Practitioner must guide and practice with kindness
  • A Practitioner must guide and practice with sincerity

      Instructors and students are our ambassadors in the community, living by our commitments and showing others our continual progress and cultural value. Our doors are open to all people, regardless of ethnic origin or personal beliefs.

      The guiding principles and values of our organization must be pursued in a responsible manner and must never be compromised.